FINALIST 2021 - Premios Verdes


WINNER: ALIS Algae innovation Solutions

Postulant:Ramón Alejandro De Hoyos Cantú


Árbol de la Esperanza - Bono memorial®

Postulant:Diego Fernando Montes y Ligia Chichilla Rueda


Sistema de captación de agua de lluvia

Postulant:Centro de Acopio para la Tarahumara - A.C


WINNER: Conservación Propagación, Comercio Flor de Inirida

Postulant:Martha Elena Toledo- Mateo Fernández- Laura Gabriela Carianil- Dario Esteban Carianil - Milton Leon- Ruben Dario Carianil


Rescate de la Canela Amazónica (Ishpingo)

Postulant:Asociación Agroindustrial y Artesanal en Tierra Sana - AENTS


Restauración participativa de humedales

Postulant:Fundación Parque Jaime Duque



Postulant:Ahmid Daccarett


WINNER: Restauración Coralinas: Acciones y retos futuros

Postulant:Alma Paola Rodríguez Troncoso- Amilcar Leví Cupul Magaña- Adolfo Tortolero Langarica


Sofia & Cococu

Postulant:Sofia Molina Rodríguez


Corales de Paz

Postulant:Phanor Montoya


WINNER: Cuidamar

Postulant:Tecnológica de Alimentos S.A


Restauración Coralinas: Acciones y retos futuros

Postulant:Alma Paola Rodríguez Troncoso- Amílcar Cupul Magaña- Adolfo Tortolero Langarica



Postulant:Iñaki Alonso CEO de satt y socio de la Cooperativa Entrepatios


Litro de Luz Argentina

Postulant:Lucas Herrero - Gisela Domancich


Matrices eficientes de diseño constructivo

Postulant:Hugo Martínez Rapari



Postulant:Mónica Lucía Abarca Abarca- Carlos Saito Villanueva


GANADOR: Semáforos Solares que salvan vidas con IoT e IA

Postulant:Walter Galvez Rendon


Soluciones eficientes para restaurar Pavimentos

Postulant:Deyner Grisales Diaz


WINNER: Greener

Postulant:Tomás Antonini- Santos Harismendy- Teodoro Villanueva


Pereira con más Movilidad Sostenible

Postulant:Alcaldía de Pereira- Carlos Alberto Maya


Seroelectric Bustamante Distribuidor Oficial

Postulant:Seroelectric Proponente Alejandro Bustamante Distribuidor Oficial / Pablo Naya Fundador y Creador



No a la quema de Humedales

Postulant:Cesar Alberto Limonta


Smile With Your Eyes

Postulant:Old Surfer


WINNER: Sonidos desde tu ventana

Postulant:Diana Restrepo- Rafael Puyana- Lany Arevalo- Hector Buitrago y Daniel Roa. Cuenta con el apoyo del Museum for the United Nations-UN Live y la Fundación G.O.L.D. de Colombia.


WINNER: Agros y el Ecosistema Agro-Alimentario

Postulant:Robinson Lopez- Fiorella Torres


Comunidades resilientes al cambio climático

Postulant:Alicia Ana María Valdovinos Septién


Saving the Amazon

Postulant:Daniel Gutiérrez Patiño



Postulant:Lucas Manuel Sala


Eco 3D Realidad aumentada aplicada al reciclaje

Postulant:Ecoluciones International /3D sed


Zero Waste Lab

Postulant:Corporación Latín Latas



Postulant:Karla Chaves Brenes y Lucila Espinoza Barahona

Country:Costa Rica

Winner: Restaurante Interno

Postulant:Fundación Acción Interna



Postulant:Antonio Riveros



Postulant:José Manuel Segovia


WINNER: Telesan

Postulant:Eimy Yazmin Barahona Vileda- Brian Erazo- Juan Carlos Amador- Suny Mejia- Reyna Arteaga- Kevin Duron- Manuel Espinoza


Biorreactor para la captura de CO2 industrial

Postulant:Lizbet Gutiérrez / Nicolás Angeles / Daniel Lira



Postulant:Acelflex sas


WINNER: Tukuna

Postulant:Philip Solvang Wright- Mariuxy Jaramillo- Adrian Buenaño


MAGDA Producto educativo no reembolsable

Postulant:Hugo Martínez Rapari



Postulant:Dennis Manuel Vivas Zelada- CoFounder & CFO | FintechLab ; Rosa María Orellana Maldonado- CoFounder $ CEO | FintechLab


Zurych Chocolate Artesanal

Postulant:Ricardo Bareño Mendoza


DEKONCIENCIA ¡Soluciones Conscientes!

Postulant:Patricia Roa y Javier Duarte


Ehya, sembrando experiencias

Postulant:Jessica Carreño


WINNER: Noi Organicos

Postulant:Ana María Calle


Fuente de energía para electrodependientes

Postulant:Qmax SRL


WINNER: Iluméxico

Postulant:Manuel Wiechers Banuet


Soluna Energía

Postulant:Hybrytec e Ilumexico


WINNER: Eficiencia energética en viviendas sociales

Postulant:Arq. Irma Padilla directora del proyecto- coautor Ing. Humberto García Secretario de Ordenamiento Territorial y Viviendas


Olaroz Chico

Postulant:EJESA- QMAX y VZH


Urban Spark

Postulant:Ignacio Díaz Ponce - Cindy Gallardo Villarroel


Public Policy

Desplastifica Tu Ciudad, Mi Barrio Mi Rio

Postulant:Carmen Patricia Caicedo Omar


Integración Social y Urbana de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires

Postulant: Nicolás Braslovsky


WINNER: Compra Local

Postulant:Municipalidad de Lincoln: Intendente Salvador Serenal- Jefe de Gabinete Ramón Parera- Secretario de Producción Juan Cruz Martínez


WINNER: Panka Inventions

Postulant:Arianna Paredes- Xavier Cóndor- Jhoao Minango- Darío Cabezas- David Cuasapud- Fernando Sanchez- Herminia Sanaguano


PyDES: Destilando Aceites Gastados en México

Postulant:Eduardo García Ramírez


Salvados Beer

Postulant:Clarice Antunes Vargas y Diana Vargas Barriga


WINNER: Ecocitex

Postulant:Nicolás Cristi- Rosario Hevia- Daniela Ehijo- Juan Luis Martel y Andrés Hevia.


Puntos de Reciclaje GIRA

Postulant:GIRA. Una empresa filial de Corporación Favorita


REVALORIZA: Valorizamos residuos de construcción

Postulant:Karen Soledad Aguilera Marambio


A.T.E Evolution

Postulant:Walter Hugo Pinasco


Banana Pack

Postulant:Alicia Valda Ampuero David Viraca Caracara



Postulant:César Edmundo Silva Brito


Finalista 2021

WINNER: ALIS Algae innovation Solutions

Category: Biodiversity Subcategory: Water

At ALIS, we design an innovative recycling process for industry-generated water and gas using microalgae. It is an innovative model based on circular bio-economy that relies on microalgae and industrial waste in our biofilters to sustainably provide a service to the industry that is economically viable and generates environmental and social benefits. The process is straightforward; thanks to our continuous carbonation technology, the microalgae use sunlight to remove pollutants from the water, absorb and filter polluting CO2 emissions, to improve the environment's quality.

Postulant:Ramón Alejandro De Hoyos Cantú

Sector Operativo: Urban local

Tipo de Empresa: Biotechnology

Postulant:Ramón Alejandro De Hoyos Cantú

Sector Operativo: Urban local

Tipo de Empresa: Biotechnology

Finalista 2021

Árbol de la Esperanza - Bono memorial®

Category: Biodiversity Subcategory: Water

Árbol de la Esperanza-Bono memorial® is the only company in the funeral business with an environmental strategy. It aims to be a playful platform that brings about change in the population's behavior with regard to participation and commitment to the preservation of water sources. In July 2018, La Esperanza Organization created Árbol de la Esperanza-Bono memorial®, a memorial product that replaces floral offerings for funerals with planted trees in the high Andean Forest.

Postulant:Diego Fernando Montes y Ligia Chichilla Rueda

Sector Operativo: National

Tipo de Empresa: Funeral Services

Postulant:Diego Fernando Montes y Ligia Chichilla Rueda

Sector Operativo: National

Tipo de Empresa: Funeral Services

Finalista 2021

Sistema de captación de agua de lluvia

Category: Biodiversity Subcategory: Water

At CAPTAR, A.C., we provide families with materials to build a rainwater harvesting system. Over the past 15 years, we have partnered with hundreds of indigenous communities in the Sierra Tarahumara and together have built nearly 6,000 rainwater harvesting systems. With access to clean water, newly acquired construction and organizational skills, and a safe home, we can influence three key areas: health, environmental protection, and building social capital. Our beneficiary communities become self-sufficient, empowered and have an opportunity to break out of the poverty cycle.

Postulant:Centro de Acopio para la Tarahumara - A.C

Sector Operativo: Local rural

Tipo de Empresa: Healthcare

Postulant:Centro de Acopio para la Tarahumara - A.C

Sector Operativo: Local rural

Tipo de Empresa: Healthcare

Finalista 2021

WINNER: Conservación Propagación, Comercio Flor de Inirida

Category: Biodiversity Subcategory: Forests and flora

Located in the Amazon region in the easternmost area of Colombia, we have tasked ourselves with securing sustainable development in the Guainia Department. Since 2010 we have carried out intercultural research that allows us to plant the two species of the Flor de Inirida, a beautiful flower that has become the department's insignia. We have achieved the natural and sustainable planting of 5 hectares of flowers, preserving the ecosystem and helping pollination. We are an intercultural group (indigenous and settlers) that has achieved the sustainable commercialization of the Flor de Inirida.

Postulant:Martha Elena Toledo- Mateo Fernández- Laura Gabriela Carianil- Dario Esteban Carianil - Milton Leon- Ruben Dario Carianil

Sector Operativo: National

Tipo de Empresa: Agroforestry

Postulant:Martha Elena Toledo- Mateo Fernández- Laura Gabriela Carianil- Dario Esteban Carianil - Milton Leon- Ruben Dario Carianil

Sector Operativo: National

Tipo de Empresa: Agroforestry

Finalista 2021

Rescate de la Canela Amazónica (Ishpingo)

Category: Biodiversity Subcategory: Forests and flora

By implementing analog forestry, we innovate the conservation of Amazon Cinnamon and other species in farms that produce deforestation-free products. The producers are the differentiating factor; they are forest artists using sustainable socio-economic models. This initiative won 1st place in the National GSEA contest and launched the #100MilArbolesPorOrellana campaign. We have the 1st forest nursery in the area. We have received over $80,000 in funding from national institutions to build a lab and a broadcast center.

Postulant:Asociación Agroindustrial y Artesanal en Tierra Sana - AENTS

Sector Operativo: Local rural

Tipo de Empresa: Agroforestry

Postulant:Asociación Agroindustrial y Artesanal en Tierra Sana - AENTS

Sector Operativo: Local rural

Tipo de Empresa: Agroforestry

Finalista 2021

Restauración participativa de humedales

Category: Biodiversity Subcategory: Forests and flora

The Ecoparque Sabana Natural Reserve is the lung in the third most industrially developed city in Colombia. We promote the conservation and participatory restoration of two wetlands by carrying out the Hydro geomorphological conformation process and the regrowth of the aquatic and terrestrial strips by planting 80,000 native plants to date. We evaluated the changes in fauna, where there were once 15 bird species, and now there are 121. We assessed the restoration of ecosystem services that were once provided, and today, more than 11,000 people participate in our project. We want a resilient forest.

Postulant:Fundación Parque Jaime Duque

Sector Operativo: Local urban

Tipo de Empresa: Conservation

Postulant:Fundación Parque Jaime Duque

Sector Operativo: Local urban

Tipo de Empresa: Conservation

Finalista 2021


Category: Biodiversity Subcategory: Fauna

BeeHub seeks to respond to the alarming bee population decline worldwide through three lines of work, education, technical assistance and conservation. We have built two bee sanctuaries, trained and sensitized one thousand people, primarily women, trained three community schools and created business opportunities for local entrepreneurs to strengthen the local economy. We seek funding to enhance our educational project "BeeHub Academy" and build the first ecological corridor for native bees in Guatemala.

Postulant:Ahmid Daccarett

Sector Operativo: National

Tipo de Empresa: Apiculture

Postulant:Ahmid Daccarett

Sector Operativo: National

Tipo de Empresa: Apiculture

Finalista 2021

WINNER: Restauración Coralinas: Acciones y retos futuros

Category: Biodiversity Subcategory: Fauna

Coral reefs provide services we all depend on. However, we have lost 50% of these ecosystems, and the surviving ones are vulnerable to Climate Change effects and human activities. To counteract the loss of these ecosystems, we have implemented a successful coral restoration model, which seeks to increase the coverage of living coral and rehabilitate the system. Our challenge is to continue with the restoration work and promote a network of local and regional actions in the short and long term that contribute to the conservation of Colombian coral reefs and other coastal-marine ecosystems.

Postulant:Alma Paola Rodríguez Troncoso- Amilcar Leví Cupul Magaña- Adolfo Tortolero Langarica

Sector Operativo: National; International

Tipo de Empresa: Conservation

Postulant:Alma Paola Rodríguez Troncoso- Amilcar Leví Cupul Magaña- Adolfo Tortolero Langarica

Sector Operativo: National; International

Tipo de Empresa: Conservation

Finalista 2021

Sofia & Cococu

Category: Biodiversity Subcategory: Fauna

"Children can fight the climate crisis. They will voice their knowledge, skills and dreams, when they are provided with knowledge about their environment, when they are supported to implement their ideas and, above all, are allowed to demand respect for nature." Sofia Molina. For this reason, Sofia & Cococu has represented the children and youth of Mexico, Latin America and the world in different international forums where for the first time, the children's perspective is considered in decision-making. Follow us at

Postulant:Sofia Molina Rodríguez

Sector Operativo: International

Tipo de Empresa: Sustainable Development

Postulant:Sofia Molina Rodríguez

Sector Operativo: International

Tipo de Empresa: Sustainable Development

Finalista 2021

Corales de Paz

Category: Biodiversity Subcategory: Oceans

Corales de Paz Diving with a Purpose is an initiative where divers and non-divers travel to destinations with coral reefs and engage with local actors to conserve and restore the ecosystem, seagrasses and mangroves. Environmental authorities, with the support of Corales de Paz and other organizations, organize the conservation efforts. With our programs and experiences, islanders, anglers and tourists collaborate, starting from their homes, with the execution and financing of education, protection, recovery, responsible use, and conservation projects for coral reefs and other marine-coastal ecosystems in Colombia.

Postulant:Phanor Montoya

Sector Operativo: National

Tipo de Empresa: Conservation

Postulant:Phanor Montoya

Sector Operativo: National

Tipo de Empresa: Conservation

Finalista 2021

WINNER: Cuidamar

Category: Biodiversity Subcategory: Oceans

The model has allowed the Cuidamares (sea watchers) to break paradigms in the fishing sector for actors such as artisan fishers, NGOs, civilians, academia and government. It has been replicated in the industrial fishing sector. 95% of our fishers (n=1000) are trained and 89% are sensitized about ecosystem conservation and marine fauna. Monitoring has become part of their daily tasks, covering more than 100,000 marine fauna sightings; over 45,000 of them were liberated, 96% alive.

Postulant:Tecnológica de Alimentos S.A

Sector Operativo: National

Tipo de Empresa: Fishing, extraction and production of hydrobiological products.

Postulant:Tecnológica de Alimentos S.A

Sector Operativo: National

Tipo de Empresa: Fishing, extraction and production of hydrobiological products.

Finalista 2021

Restauración Coralinas: Acciones y retos futuros

Category: Biodiversity Subcategory: Oceans

Coral reefs provide services we all depend on. However, we have lost 50% of these ecosystems, and the survivors are vulnerable to Climate Change effects and human activities. To counteract the loss of these ecosystems, we have implemented a successful coral restoration model, which seeks to increase the coverage of living coral and rehabilitate the system. Our challenge is to continue with the restoration work and promote a network of local and regional actions that contribute to the coral reef's conservation in the short and long term.

Postulant:Alma Paola Rodríguez Troncoso- Amílcar Cupul Magaña- Adolfo Tortolero Langarica

Sector Operativo: National; International

Tipo de Empresa: Conservation

Postulant:Alma Paola Rodríguez Troncoso- Amílcar Cupul Magaña- Adolfo Tortolero Langarica

Sector Operativo: National; International

Tipo de Empresa: Conservation

Finalista 2021


Category: Cities Subcategory: Urban Community

Entrepatios is a cohousing project based on usage rights in Madrid, designed with PASSIVHAUS criteria, carbon-neutral, made of wood, grey and rainwater recycling, built with sustainable and recycled materials. This project has common spaces such as laundry, kitchen, games room, coworking, orchard terrace, etc., to build a resilient community.

Postulant:Iñaki Alonso CEO de satt y socio de la Cooperativa Entrepatios

Sector Operativo: Local urban

Tipo de Empresa: Architecture and urbanism

Postulant:Iñaki Alonso CEO de satt y socio de la Cooperativa Entrepatios

Sector Operativo: Local urban

Tipo de Empresa: Architecture and urbanism

Finalista 2021

Litro de Luz Argentina

Category: Cities Subcategory: Urban Community

We offer energy and lighting solutions to areas affected by health problems and lack of opportunities caused by the lack of these services. We offer a solution, and we provide the community workshops on manufacturing to build more equipment and repair their current ones, eventually becoming regular employment for them. We train groups focusing on technology transfer and knowledge, creating teams able to carry out interventions and projects.

Postulant:Lucas Herrero - Gisela Domancich

Sector Operativo: National

Tipo de Empresa: Energy

Postulant:Lucas Herrero - Gisela Domancich

Sector Operativo: National

Tipo de Empresa: Energy

Finalista 2021

Matrices eficientes de diseño constructivo

Category: Cities Subcategory: Urban Community

Buildings consume 40% of the energy produced on the planet, emitting considerable amounts of CO2 and thus contributing to global warming. Uruguay's residential sector consumes +800 ktoe/year of energy, emitting 400 Gg of CO2 to the environment. Uruguayan building codes lag behind decades concerning energy efficiency by not considering energy consumption from design; this affects 10,000 new construction permits/year (650,000 m2). Innovation of the bioclimatic design process maximizing comfort and energy savings (up to 60%) based on specific measures (energy saving potential: 5 ktoe and 2.5 Gg CO2 / year).

Postulant:Hugo Martínez Rapari

Sector Operativo: National

Tipo de Empresa: Education

Postulant:Hugo Martínez Rapari

Sector Operativo: National

Tipo de Empresa: Education

Finalista 2021


Category: Cities Subcategory: Innovation and Infrastructure

Our goal is to look after public health and improve people's quality of life by permanently monitoring environmental contamination. The qHawax module, powered by solar or electric energy, continuously monitors air quality 24/7 by sending online real-time data (3G / 4G), with polluting parameters: Dust (PM2.5, PM10) and gases (CO, NO2, SO2, O3, H2S). Through alliances with public and private institutions, we have shared this information with all actors involved, allowing greater transparency and better care for the people breathing the air surrounding these areas.

Postulant:Mónica Lucía Abarca Abarca- Carlos Saito Villanueva

Sector Operativo: National

Tipo de Empresa: Services

Postulant:Mónica Lucía Abarca Abarca- Carlos Saito Villanueva

Sector Operativo: National

Tipo de Empresa: Services

Finalista 2021

GANADOR: Semáforos Solares que salvan vidas con IoT e IA

Category: Cities Subcategory: Innovation and Infrastructure

Solar power traffic lights with IoT and AI are self-sustainable, do not require conventional energy and have zero energy cost compared to traditional traffic lights. They produce additional clean energy that can be sold or used for other purposes, generate data for Smart Mobility, and are environmentally sustainable and economically viable. They are resilient and immune to power failures due to climate change and other factors. They can be controlled from the internet, have artificial intelligence to detect environmental and road safety risks, and directly impact SDG Goal 5.

Postulant:Walter Galvez Rendon

Sector Operativo: National

Tipo de Empresa: Tecnología

Postulant:Walter Galvez Rendon

Sector Operativo: National

Tipo de Empresa: Tecnología

Finalista 2021

Soluciones eficientes para restaurar Pavimentos

Category: Cities Subcategory: Innovation and Infrastructure

ROKASFALTOS is a Colombian company founded in 2015, committed to offering sustainable, fast, permanent, and immediate solutions to road infrastructure maintenance. We developed unique products and techniques to restore and repair deteriorated and worn paved surfaces, with simple and fast execution, low waiting times and environmentally friendly. To date, more than 200 different clients, from the public and private sector, have used our solutions and have installed more than 600,000 Tons of our products in Colombia.

Postulant:Deyner Grisales Diaz

Sector Operativo: International

Tipo de Empresa: Construction materials

Postulant:Deyner Grisales Diaz

Sector Operativo: International

Tipo de Empresa: Construction materials

Finalista 2021

WINNER: Greener

Category: Cities Subcategory: Mobility

With the touch of a button, our app will deliver a waste hauler to the client's door and collect their recyclables. It is essentially a marketplace that connects waste generators with waste haulers to reduce garbage going to landfills. We launched in October in one city and subsequently signed a municipal contract. So far, we have recuperated 80 tons and we had a seven-fold increase in 3 months. This month, we will launch in 5 additional locations, and we are developing a product to replicate the model in large cities.

Postulant:Tomás Antonini- Santos Harismendy- Teodoro Villanueva

Sector Operativo: Local urban

Tipo de Empresa: Recycling

Postulant:Tomás Antonini- Santos Harismendy- Teodoro Villanueva

Sector Operativo: Local urban

Tipo de Empresa: Recycling

Finalista 2021

Pereira con más Movilidad Sostenible

Category: Cities Subcategory: Mobility

The Pereira con más Movilidad Sostenible integrates the Megabus system with Magacable and Megabicis to positively impact the environment and improve the quality of life of Pereira's most vulnerable citizens. They will improve their commute time and access an integrated fare that will be easier on their pockets. The Municipality's government builds a more modern intelligent Pereira for its people.

Postulant:Alcaldía de Pereira- Carlos Alberto Maya

Sector Operativo: Local urban

Tipo de Empresa: Public Transportation

Postulant:Alcaldía de Pereira- Carlos Alberto Maya

Sector Operativo: Local urban

Tipo de Empresa: Public Transportation

Finalista 2021

Seroelectric Bustamante Distribuidor Oficial

Category: Cities Subcategory: Mobility

Pablo Naya founded Seroelectric in 2010. The company was awarded the seal Buen Diseño Argentino, distinguished with the Country Brand, and named of legislative, provincial and national interest. It will go down in Argentina's history books as the first urban electric L6e category car in South America and the first utility van in the world. There are currently factories in Argentina and Brazil, and soon one in Uruguay will cater to the USA and Mexican markets. The vehicles are undergoing an improvement restyling, always keeping in mind the care for the environment.

Postulant:Seroelectric Proponente Alejandro Bustamante Distribuidor Oficial / Pablo Naya Fundador y Creador

Sector Operativo: International

Tipo de Empresa: Urban electric vehicle for passenger and freight transport.

Postulant:Seroelectric Proponente Alejandro Bustamante Distribuidor Oficial / Pablo Naya Fundador y Creador

Sector Operativo: International

Tipo de Empresa: Urban electric vehicle for passenger and freight transport.

Finalista 2021

No a la quema de Humedales

Category: Communication

The project consisted in making a significant impact audio-visual to convey, through images and an unreleased song, what happened in Rosario, Argentina's neighboring islands. Its balanced content denounced the burning of the wetlands in an original way that many people ignored up to then. The strategy was to make it news, and we succeeded. It reached all of the community with hundreds of thousands of views. Influential artists and personalities shared it on their social media accounts. The video was promoted on radio, TV channels and digital media.

Postulant:Cesar Alberto Limonta

Sector Operativo: National

Tipo de Empresa: Audiovisual / Production

Postulant:Cesar Alberto Limonta

Sector Operativo: National

Tipo de Empresa: Audiovisual / Production

Finalista 2021

Smile With Your Eyes

Category: Communication

According to the World Health Organization, one-third of the world's population suffered mood disorders and stress due to confinement during the pandemic in 2020. Through a global call to action by the United Nations to all agencies worldwide, we launched a project campaign to transform this reality and make it a cause. We created a transformative and straightforward call to action #SmileWithYourEyes. Different brands came on board, and as a result, we were able to make large mask donations, antibacterial gel, and other PPE in vulnerable areas, giving back a smile to millions of people.

Postulant:Old Surfer

Sector Operativo: International

Tipo de Empresa: Communications

Postulant:Old Surfer

Sector Operativo: International

Tipo de Empresa: Communications

Finalista 2021

WINNER: Sonidos desde tu ventana

Category: Communication

The "Sonidos Desde tu Ventana" or Sounds from your Window campaign, by the VozTerra collective in Colombia, with the support of Museum For the United Nations-UN Live, mobilized people from 14 countries to benefit biodiversity protection. Through a Call to Action, it obtained 150 audios from windows, 51 musical pieces and four albums; it has so far broadcasted eight promotional singles and five video clips. It reached 55 thousand views on digital platforms. It has reached over 1,100,000 people through VozTerra's social media accounts; musicians, participants, allies and artists donate some of the song royalties to environmental NGOs.

Postulant:Diana Restrepo- Rafael Puyana- Lany Arevalo- Hector Buitrago y Daniel Roa. Cuenta con el apoyo del Museum for the United Nations-UN Live y la Fundación G.O.L.D. de Colombia.

Sector Operativo: International

Tipo de Empresa: Communications

Postulant:Diana Restrepo- Rafael Puyana- Lany Arevalo- Hector Buitrago y Daniel Roa. Cuenta con el apoyo del Museum for the United Nations-UN Live y la Fundación G.O.L.D. de Colombia.

Sector Operativo: International

Tipo de Empresa: Communications

Finalista 2021

WINNER: Agros y el Ecosistema Agro-Alimentario

Category: Human Development Subcategory: Community

According to the UN, 2,500 million people worldwide depend on agriculture to live. They are one of the demographic groups with the least probability of having access to formal financial services (85% exclusion) and the global economy. AGROS is a globally awarded solution that has an integral focus. Through blockchain technology and precision agriculture, an economical, functional, decentralized and digital identity is being built for farmers, thus eliminating the "cost of distrust" (related to the information asymmetries in the rural areas that reduce access to formal financial services.).

Postulant:Robinson Lopez- Fiorella Torres

Sector Operativo: International

Tipo de Empresa: Agricultura

Postulant:Robinson Lopez- Fiorella Torres

Sector Operativo: International

Tipo de Empresa: Agricultura

Finalista 2021

Comunidades resilientes al cambio climático

Category: Human Development Subcategory: Community

Our purpose is to build rural communities resilient to the effects of climate change and strengthen the population's skills through education and sensibilization, thus triggering an attitude change that will allow them to identify, prevent, mitigate and act on the occurrence of destructive phenomena. The result is an efficient and less expensive process whereby the exposure of the community's vulnerability can be perceived to guarantee their subsistence, sustainable development and ecosystem and biodiversity protection.

Postulant:Alicia Ana María Valdovinos Septién

Sector Operativo: Local rural

Tipo de Empresa: Communication, Conservation, Civil Protection, Risk and Disaster Prevention

Postulant:Alicia Ana María Valdovinos Septién

Sector Operativo: Local rural

Tipo de Empresa: Communication, Conservation, Civil Protection, Risk and Disaster Prevention

Finalista 2021

Saving the Amazon

Category: Human Development Subcategory: Community

STA seeks to empower Amazon's indigenous communities to protect and restore their lands and simultaneously empower the world's population and convert them into climate warriors. We have developed a technological solution where any person or organization worldwide can adopt a tree in the Amazon and thus help reverse climate change and generate economic opportunities for the local communities. Currently, we have planted over 115,000 trees; we have the potential to capture 129 tons of CO2, and we have involved 262 indigenous families in the project.

Postulant:Daniel Gutiérrez Patiño

Sector Operativo: International

Tipo de Empresa: Tropical forest restoration and conservation

Postulant:Daniel Gutiérrez Patiño

Sector Operativo: International

Tipo de Empresa: Tropical forest restoration and conservation

Finalista 2021


Category: Human Development Subcategory: Education

ANNY offers services for the visually impaired and their families, offering tools at a much lower price than what typically sold at or are simply not available in developing countries. ANNY's eyeglasses use a technology that detects obstacles, coupled with a set of Android Apps and a website. So far, we have been able to help over 250 families. The technology is the disruptor in this device.

Postulant:Lucas Manuel Sala

Sector Operativo: International

Tipo de Empresa: Technology and disability

Postulant:Lucas Manuel Sala

Sector Operativo: International

Tipo de Empresa: Technology and disability

Finalista 2021

Eco 3D Realidad aumentada aplicada al reciclaje

Category: Human Development Subcategory: Education

Eco3D are low-cost 3D impressions with augmented reality made with soda bottles, where youth can build advanced educative tools from plastic waste. It has a pedagogical model based on playful projects to develop competencies and skills necessary in Industry 4.0, such as 3D modelling, programming, mechatronics, robotics and video game design. It integrates a portable system of plastic pulverization, a flake-extruding 3D printer and a mobile app that uses augmented reality technology.

Postulant:Ecoluciones International /3D sed

Sector Operativo: International

Tipo de Empresa: Research – Conservation - Education

Postulant:Ecoluciones International /3D sed

Sector Operativo: International

Tipo de Empresa: Research – Conservation - Education

Finalista 2021

Zero Waste Lab

Category: Human Development Subcategory: Education

We built a methodology that integrates the 7 Rs, reflect, refuse, reduce, repair, reuse, return to earth and recycle. Each module explores each R and links them to materials, music, and daily tasks that allow us to be sustainable.

Postulant:Corporación Latín Latas

Sector Operativo: National

Tipo de Empresa: Education: Art and Culture

Postulant:Corporación Latín Latas

Sector Operativo: National

Tipo de Empresa: Education: Art and Culture

Finalista 2021


Category: Human Development Subcategory: Equality

Ecoins awards each actor a recognition when fulfilling their duties in waste management: consumers get discounts and education, companies offer their products, collectors and recyclers increase their volume and collection quality, local governments promote collection points and a circular economy around recycling, and manufacturers and wholesalers comply with production responsibilities. Technology opens new doors for the chain of activities to be.

Postulant:Karla Chaves Brenes y Lucila Espinoza Barahona

Sector Operativo: International

Tipo de Empresa: Recycling

Postulant:Karla Chaves Brenes y Lucila Espinoza Barahona

Sector Operativo: International

Tipo de Empresa: Recycling

Finalista 2021

Winner: Restaurante Interno

Category: Human Development Subcategory: Equality

Interno, located inside a woman's jail, was the first restaurant of its kind, created as one of FUNDACIÓN ACCIÓN INTERNA's profitable projects. Until 2019 it operated inside the San Diego Jail in Cartagena and was staffed by its inmates. In 2020 it reopened its doors in Bogotá to continue creating opportunities and improving released inmates' quality of life for themselves and their families. In 2018 TIME magazine, named it one of the top 100 World's Greatest Places and in 2020, it received recognition in Sustainable Development Goals Best Practices in OSD 10. Today, it is an example of reconciliation and resocialization.

Postulant:Fundación Acción Interna

Sector Operativo: National

Tipo de Empresa: Resocialization programs and Reinsertion of inmates and ex-inmates

Postulant:Fundación Acción Interna

Sector Operativo: National

Tipo de Empresa: Resocialization programs and Reinsertion of inmates and ex-inmates

Finalista 2021

Tejiendo Conciencia Ambiental desde la inclusion

Category: Human Development Subcategory: Equality

Our socio-environmental venture, Tejiendo Conciencia Ambiental (Weaving Environmental Awareness), rises out of the Maraka company, helping energize the rural and vulnerable population of the Arauca Province, near the Colombian-Venezuelan border. Plastic bags are used as fiber to make accessories, turning plastic into art and sold throughout the country by Colombia's Social Entrepreneurial Network. The project was a finalist in the Gender Equality category in 2019, ranked 94th in the top 500 and 22nd in the Development Category in the 2020 Premios Verdes Edition.


Sector Operativo: National

Tipo de Empresa: Recycling


Sector Operativo: National

Tipo de Empresa: Recycling

Finalista 2021


Category: Human Development Subcategory: Health

Creotec, conceived as a non-profit in 2015, began to build prosthetics and donated them to amputated people with economic needs in 2017. In 2020 it evolved into a social company implementing technology to offer distance care, thus reaching more people in need of functional and realistic prosthetics.

Postulant:Antonio Riveros

Sector Operativo: National

Tipo de Empresa: Health

Postulant:Antonio Riveros

Sector Operativo: National

Tipo de Empresa: Health

Finalista 2021


Category: Human Development Subcategory: Health

Granjazul Plus is a nutrient-enriched egg when compared to a regular egg. It is high in iron, zinc, selenium and vitamin A and D. We are an essential healthy protein source in Central America. We take care of our gens with a Healthy Animal Certification; using a production model based on circular economy to try to revert the effects of climate change. We are the first brand of sustainable eggs in Central America backed by the UN's Global Pact. One of our primary goals is to take Granjazul Plus to all corners of Guatemala to help fight malnutrition.

Postulant:José Manuel Segovia

Sector Operativo: National

Tipo de Empresa: Aviculture

Postulant:José Manuel Segovia

Sector Operativo: National

Tipo de Empresa: Aviculture

Finalista 2021

WINNER: Telesan

Category: Human Development Subcategory: Health

TeleSAN is a digital platform that allows remote and isolated communities to receive medical services by connecting remote clinics with specialized hospitals through the internet. With accessible biomedical equipment, sustainable energies, and a web of specialists, we have trained 378 health professionals at a national level. We are located in 30 clinics and nine hospitals nationally and have services in 24 different medical specialties offered by the Faculty of Medical Sciences and the specialized hospitals. We have Continuing Education programs for the health staff.

Postulant:Eimy Yazmin Barahona Vileda- Brian Erazo- Juan Carlos Amador- Suny Mejia- Reyna Arteaga- Kevin Duron- Manuel Espinoza

Sector Operativo: National

Tipo de Empresa: Health

Postulant:Eimy Yazmin Barahona Vileda- Brian Erazo- Juan Carlos Amador- Suny Mejia- Reyna Arteaga- Kevin Duron- Manuel Espinoza

Sector Operativo: National

Tipo de Empresa: Health

Finalista 2021

Biorreactor para la captura de CO2 industrial

Category: Economy Subcategory: Circular Economy

This project implements a piece of equipment known as the "Bioreactor," which captures and transforms contaminants from the combustion of fixed sources. The equipment is low-cost and has a modular and scalable design, making it adaptable to any industrial need, volume or airflow. During a pilot phase, the results obtained include an 85% concentration reduction in the boiler flow and the capture of 33 kg of CO2 per 1000 liters of culture in the reactor.

Postulant:Lizbet Gutiérrez / Nicolás Angeles / Daniel Lira

Sector Operativo: International

Tipo de Empresa: Biotechnology

Postulant:Lizbet Gutiérrez / Nicolás Angeles / Daniel Lira

Sector Operativo: International

Tipo de Empresa: Biotechnology

Finalista 2021


Category: Economy Subcategory: Circular Economy

Estimates show that 1.5 million birds, fish, whales and turtles die every year due to plastic waste in seas and oceans. A plastic bag can take up to 400 to biodegrade. Eight million tons of waste reach rivers, seas and oceans every year. Every second more than 200 kilos of garbage invade our waters. IT IS THE TIME TO TAKE ACTION! The planet offers us resources and end up paying a high price. Natpacking is a single-use biodegradable bag that composts 100% in natural environments. Help us be part of the change.

Postulant:Acelflex sas

Sector Operativo: International

Tipo de Empresa: Processing/Packaging

Postulant:Acelflex sas

Sector Operativo: International

Tipo de Empresa: Processing/Packaging

Finalista 2021

WINNER: Tukuna

Category: Economy Subcategory: Circular Economy

Our recycled strand production process is innovative and the only one of its kind in Ecuador; we transform plastic bottles into sunglasses. Since launching at the end of 2020, we exceeded our initial sales expectations and national and international interest in the product. A standardized process and a solid network of allies allow us to offer our clients a sustainable and unique experience. We seek to expand our bottle transformation to deliver recycled glasses from Ecuador to the world.

Postulant:Philip Solvang Wright- Mariuxy Jaramillo- Adrian Buenaño

Sector Operativo: National

Tipo de Empresa: Technology, recycling, design

Postulant:Philip Solvang Wright- Mariuxy Jaramillo- Adrian Buenaño

Sector Operativo: National

Tipo de Empresa: Technology, recycling, design

Finalista 2021

MAGDA Producto educativo no reembolsable

Category: Economy Subcategory: Finance

8% of Uruguay's population is below the poverty level, with no access to credit nor job opportunities. In addition, the residential sector consumes +800 ktoe / year of energy, emitting 400 Gg of CO2 to the environment. This project combines the financial sector innovation, through a non-refundable credit, granted as training in social work initiatives, with construction predesign innovation. An unprecedented technical instrument used to maximize comfort and energy savings in buildings has up to 60% potential energy savings (5 ktoe and 2.5 Gg CO2 / year per 10 thousand construction permits).

Postulant:Hugo Martínez Rapari

Sector Operativo: National

Tipo de Empresa: Education

Postulant:Hugo Martínez Rapari

Sector Operativo: National

Tipo de Empresa: Education

Finalista 2021


Category: Economy Subcategory: Finance

Verificapyme, a FintechLab product, is a trusted collaboration platform that aims to support micro and small business entrepreneurs by providing free diagnostics on their businesses' health. In addition, it offers consultations where specialists make recommendations to facilitate access to various sources of smart financing due to the COVID-19 economic impact.

Postulant:Dennis Manuel Vivas Zelada- CoFounder & CFO | FintechLab ; Rosa María Orellana Maldonado- CoFounder $ CEO | FintechLab

Sector Operativo: National

Tipo de Empresa: Technology

Postulant:Dennis Manuel Vivas Zelada- CoFounder & CFO | FintechLab ; Rosa María Orellana Maldonado- CoFounder $ CEO | FintechLab

Sector Operativo: National

Tipo de Empresa: Technology

Finalista 2021

Zurych Chocolate Artesanal

Category: Economy Subcategory: Finance

ZURYCH started as an academic activity led by Ricardo Bareño. We have validated stages such as theoretical research, market validation, product-market fit and the business model structure. Since 2018 we have rediscovered chocolate as food, not candy. Currently, we are in a growth and expansion stage with significant achievements such as an agroecological certificate, being part of the Eco-Directory, receiving the Colibrí Esmeralda entrepreneur of the year 2020 award. In 2020, sales reached 243 million Colombian Pesos. Our most outstanding innovation is cocoa mucilage utilization.

Postulant:Ricardo Bareño Mendoza

Sector Operativo: National

Tipo de Empresa: Food

Postulant:Ricardo Bareño Mendoza

Sector Operativo: National

Tipo de Empresa: Food

Finalista 2021

DEKONCIENCIA ¡Soluciones Conscientes!

Category: Economy Subcategory: Sustainable Production

DEKONCIENCIA is a socio-environmental enterprise using domestic and industrial solid waste to make handmade, innovative, high-quality eco-products. Using a replicable and scalable process allows us to teach, train and link vulnerable communities with the production chain. We won First Place in the VERDE EMPRENDE BOGOTÁ CHALLENGE, carried out by the SDA, for our potential social, environmental and economic impact and products that attract the consumer's attention and introduce them to the concept of circular economy and environmental awareness.

Postulant:Patricia Roa y Javier Duarte

Sector Operativo: Local urban

Tipo de Empresa: Home Goods

Postulant:Patricia Roa y Javier Duarte

Sector Operativo: Local urban

Tipo de Empresa: Home Goods

Finalista 2021

Ehya, sembrando experiencias

Category: Economy Subcategory: Sustainable Production

Endemic coffee trees are grown organically at the nursery, agrochemical-free, preserving 8500 hectares of forest. Our proposal is to create a platform where the consumer can find personalized ecological products, relevant information about coffee, its cultivation, recipes, tips, traceable information on the brand and production. We have national and international (USA and Germany) organic certification. All our coffee is Fairtrade certified. We preserve one of the most important natural reserves in the world. Growth in 2020 topped 20% despite the Covid-19 pandemic.

Postulant:Jessica Carreño

Sector Operativo: International

Tipo de Empresa: Beverages (Production and/or Bottling)

Postulant:Jessica Carreño

Sector Operativo: International

Tipo de Empresa: Beverages (Production and/or Bottling)

Finalista 2021

WINNER: Noi Organicos

Category: Economy Subcategory: Sustainable Production

NOI grew 69% compared to 2019, increasing sales from $ 94,000 to $ 159,000 USD. Our sales projections for 2021 top $ 279,000. We achieved a customer buyback rate of 36% in Q4 of 2020. We developed a portfolio of more than ten products with a 65% margin. We obtained USDA ORGANIC certification and implemented an ERP AND CRM system within six months for customer satisfaction purposes. We participated in 14 fairs, and our products are sold in more than 90 stores nationwide, including JUMBO. We have obtained the following awards: Emprende Bogotá SDE Award - 2nd place. – one of the ten winners of the GRAMEEN LAB contest - THE BEST OF CUNDINAMARCA. We have planted 15,200 trees in the Chingaza Paramo.

Postulant:Ana María Calle

Sector Operativo: National

Tipo de Empresa: Health

Postulant:Ana María Calle

Sector Operativo: National

Tipo de Empresa: Health

Finalista 2021

Fuente de energía para electrodependientes

Category: Energy Subcategory: Energy Access

Qmax developed the first alternative source of energy for electro-dependent users. This electrical backup device improves the quality of life of people that require the use of health equipment for medical reasons. Argentina is one of the first countries with an electro-dependent law; we have been able to develop innovative technology that has the potential to generate high aggregate value exports and improve the quality of life of people worldwide.

Postulant:Qmax SRL

Sector Operativo: Local urban

Tipo de Empresa: Energy

Postulant:Qmax SRL

Sector Operativo: Local urban

Tipo de Empresa: Energy

Finalista 2021

WINNER: Iluméxico

Category: Energy Subcategory: Energy Access

We work to achieve SDG #7, specifically goal 1, by promoting solar energy as a permanent service in rural communities outside the power grid, with a sustainable, replicable and scalable model with the placement of single-family solar units. We promote positive change and opportunity within these communities at the base of the pyramid and simultaneously influence electrification policies.

Postulant:Manuel Wiechers Banuet

Sector Operativo: International

Tipo de Empresa: Services

Postulant:Manuel Wiechers Banuet

Sector Operativo: International

Tipo de Empresa: Services

Finalista 2021

Soluna Energía

Category: Energy Subcategory: Energy Access

SOLUNA Energía's main objective is to offer solar energy to remote communities in Colombia. Currently, we have a total of 117 clients, primarily farmers and indigenous communities; over 500 people in Vichada (province), where 30 of them have been using the service for over a year and can confirm our model's feasibility and impact. We have an innovative value proposition; thanks to our unique management model, we have achieved a 90% payment rate, setting a benchmark in the sector. For this reason, we are confident we will reach more than 10,000 families in the next five years.

Postulant:Hybrytec e Ilumexico

Sector Operativo: National

Tipo de Empresa: Energy

Postulant:Hybrytec e Ilumexico

Sector Operativo: National

Tipo de Empresa: Energy

Finalista 2021

WINNER: Eficiencia energética en viviendas sociales

Category: Energy Subcategory: Clean Energy

The main objective is to increase the Jujuy province community's awareness of how energy-efficient construction has an environmental, social and economic impact and improves people's quality of life. With energy consumption indicator studies, we detected social housing efficiencies in water, electricity, and gas. With this data, we designed three energy-efficient prototypes using energy-efficient and renewable energy geothermal and solar thermal measurements in three bioclimatic areas of the province, which resulted in excellent savings.

Postulant:Arq. Irma Padilla directora del proyecto- coautor Ing. Humberto García Secretario de Ordenamiento Territorial y Viviendas

Sector Operativo: National

Tipo de Empresa: Efficient Housing Research and Development

Postulant:Arq. Irma Padilla directora del proyecto- coautor Ing. Humberto García Secretario de Ordenamiento Territorial y Viviendas

Sector Operativo: National

Tipo de Empresa: Efficient Housing Research and Development

Finalista 2021

Olaroz Chico

Category: Energy Subcategory: Clean energy

The mini solar energy network installed in Olaroz Chico provides electric energy to 350 people, and it is the highest in altitude above sea level of its kind in the world. The diesel generator powering the area was shut down; it consumed over 5000 liters of fuel per month for only six hours of light and generated 1.6M tons of CO2 per year.

Postulant:EJESA- QMAX y VZH

Sector Operativo: Local rural

Tipo de Empresa: Electric devices

Postulant:EJESA- QMAX y VZH

Sector Operativo: Local rural

Tipo de Empresa: Electric devices

Finalista 2021

Urban Spark

Category: Energy Subcategory: Clean energy

According to the International Energy Agency, it is expected that by 2040, the global energy demand will grow by 30%. By 2050, 90% of the energy matrix is expected to come from Non-Conventional Renewable Energy sources. Based on these expectations, the "Urban Spark" project is born. The Smart-Hybrid electricity-generating floor transforms mechanical energy generated by people's footsteps into electrical power. It comes with an integrated solar energy system and intelligence that allows parameterization data related to pedestrian flow, perfectly complementing other non-conventional renewable energies.

Postulant:Ignacio Díaz Ponce - Cindy Gallardo Villarroel

Sector Operativo: National

Tipo de Empresa: Technology, Energy

Postulant:Ignacio Díaz Ponce - Cindy Gallardo Villarroel

Sector Operativo: National

Tipo de Empresa: Technology, Energy

Finalista 2021

Desplastifica Tu Ciudad, Mi Barrio Mi Rio

Category: Public Policy Subcategory: Cities

On October 25th, 2018, the Santa Martha District passed Resolution N.1017 prohibiting single-use plastic and expanded polystyrene foam. This resolution set monitoring, surveillance and control rules on the consumption of non-biodegradable materials to reduce high local contamination levels, mainly in water sources and coastal marine areas. The Santa Marthan community reduced plastic bag consumption in all socio-economic echelons, including tourism. This regulation achieved political consciousness on the problem and the need to reduce the use of plastic and involved the community in solution proposals.

Postulant:Carmen Patricia Caicedo Omar

Sector Operativo: Local urbano

Tipo de Empresa: Urban Environmental Authority

Postulant:Carmen Patricia Caicedo Omar

Sector Operativo: Local urbano

Tipo de Empresa: Urban Environmental Authority

Finalista 2021

Integración Social y Urbana de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires

Category: Public Policy Subcategory: Cities

The Socio-urban Integration Policy seeks to guarantee infrastructure, access to services, housing and sustainability solutions, connectivity and product development to over 33,400 beneficiaries. To date, 3000 housing projects, 113 km of basic service networks and 16,500 square meters of green areas have been developed, respecting each neighborhood's identity. Furthermore, three integration laws and one popular economy law have been enacted, and three censuses were performed. Neighbors, stakeholders, social organizations and government counterparts all participated to ensure the policy's sustainability.

Postulant: Nicolás Braslovsky

Sector Operativo: Local urbano

Tipo de Empresa: Social Integration

Postulant: Nicolás Braslovsky

Sector Operativo: Local urbano

Tipo de Empresa: Social Integration

Finalista 2021

WINNER: Compra Local

Category: Public Policy Subcategory: Cities

This project generated an extremely positive impact on the community. The municipal government injects 840,000 US dollars annually into the local economy, strengthening job generation and resulting in an increase of 20 to 30% in local products sales. Over 90 stores and supermarkets onboarded the project as well as 69 food, textile and other local producers. The local economy grew by 10% leading to the same rate of municipal tax collection.

Postulant:Municipalidad de Lincoln: Intendente Salvador Serenal- Jefe de Gabinete Ramón Parera- Secretario de Producción Juan Cruz Martínez

Sector Operativo: Local urban

Tipo de Empresa: Services

Postulant:Municipalidad de Lincoln: Intendente Salvador Serenal- Jefe de Gabinete Ramón Parera- Secretario de Producción Juan Cruz Martínez

Sector Operativo: Local urban

Tipo de Empresa: Services

Finalista 2021

WINNER: Panka Inventions

Category: Waste Subcategory: Reusable Products

Panka Inventions is an Ecuadorian sustainable company dedicated to manufacturing and distributing high-quality products made from highly contaminating liquid waste, catering to the mechanical/industrial sector. Currently, we make two products from used cooking oil; BIORUST 18-11 and BIOGOOP; both are made under environmentally responsible practices in rural areas by vulnerable women, thus helping reduce female unemployment and liquid residue contamination.

Postulant:Arianna Paredes- Xavier Cóndor- Jhoao Minango- Darío Cabezas- David Cuasapud- Fernando Sanchez- Herminia Sanaguano

Sector Operativo: National

Tipo de Empresa: Recycling

Postulant:Arianna Paredes- Xavier Cóndor- Jhoao Minango- Darío Cabezas- David Cuasapud- Fernando Sanchez- Herminia Sanaguano

Sector Operativo: National

Tipo de Empresa: Recycling

Finalista 2021

PyDES: Destilando Aceites Gastados en México

Category: Waste Subcategory: Reusable Products

In every city in Latin America, cars, planes, buses, trucks, agricultural tractors, and machines have two moving metal parts that need lubrication. There is an equal quantity of waste as there is an original product. We give an eco-value to waste and reverse the collateral damage and environmental risks it causes. We create employment and social development through a production model and responsible consumption that transforms used oil into alternative fuel for sectors with low-cost energetic needs. JOIN US

Postulant:Eduardo García Ramírez

Sector Operativo: International

Tipo de Empresa: Recycling – Hazardous waste management

Postulant:Eduardo García Ramírez

Sector Operativo: International

Tipo de Empresa: Recycling – Hazardous waste management

Finalista 2021

Salvados Beer

Category: Waste Subcategory: Reusable Products

Salvados Beer is the first homebrew beer in Spain fighting against food waste. At its heart lies respect for craft beer, innovation, and sustainability. Our goal is to promote a new waste utilization cycle that transforms the current production model from linear to circular and promotes more sustainable consumption with better resources. We believe that an act as simple as having a beer can make a difference and be a tool for change and awareness towards more sustainable consumption.

Postulant:Clarice Antunes Vargas y Diana Vargas Barriga

Sector Operativo: National

Tipo de Empresa: Beverages (bottling and production)

Postulant:Clarice Antunes Vargas y Diana Vargas Barriga

Sector Operativo: National

Tipo de Empresa: Beverages (bottling and production)

Finalista 2021

WINNER: Ecocitex

Category: Waste Subcategory: Recycling

ECOCITEX, a company leader in the recycled textile industry in Chile. They are the only ones able to make a product based 100% on disused clothing through a non-chemical, non-water process. We seek to eliminate textile waste while at the same time impacting the community, offering opportunities to vulnerable groups and supporting the community. With a circular economic model, we processed 40 tons of textiles in our first year. We are innovating the processes to improve quality, expand the product range to process more pieces, and reduce the fashion industry's impact.

Postulant:Nicolás Cristi- Rosario Hevia- Daniela Ehijo- Juan Luis Martel y Andrés Hevia.

Sector Operativo: National

Tipo de Empresa: Fashion, Textiles

Postulant:Nicolás Cristi- Rosario Hevia- Daniela Ehijo- Juan Luis Martel y Andrés Hevia.

Sector Operativo: National

Tipo de Empresa: Fashion, Textiles

Finalista 2021

Puntos de Reciclaje GIRA

Category: Waste Subcategory: Recycling

The GIRA Puntos de Reciclaje, is a subsidiary of Coporación Favorita. The project promotes the joint effort of the entire value chain and their co-responsibility in caring for the environment. Citizens deposit their recyclable packaging at GIRA Points, located in 17 provinces nationwide. Out of the projected 120 points by 2021, 87 had been installed since 2020. GIRA is a company dedicated to comprehensive waste management that provides environmental solutions for efficient management and use of resources innovatively, with a circular economy approach.

Postulant:GIRA. Una empresa filial de Corporación Favorita

Sector Operativo: National

Tipo de Empresa: Recycling

Postulant:GIRA. Una empresa filial de Corporación Favorita

Sector Operativo: National

Tipo de Empresa: Recycling

Finalista 2021

REVALORIZA: Valorizamos residuos de construcción

Category: Waste Subcategory: Recycling

The first stage of Revaloriza, in 2019, restored the basic conditions of old aggregate extraction sites with construction terrains, recovering 4 hectares to date. During this restoration, we realized the need to sort out a lot more construction and demolition waste. Consequently, we are working on stage 2.0 to establish the first Revaloriza Center to provide more recycled products to the region's construction projects. In March of 2020, we were one of the participants in the Lo Zarate-Cartagena Sustainable Rural School project, where we collaborated with the management of construction and demolition waste and the project itself.

Postulant:Karen Soledad Aguilera Marambio

Sector Operativo: Local urban

Tipo de Empresa: Recycling, Recuperation and soil restoration

Postulant:Karen Soledad Aguilera Marambio

Sector Operativo: Local urban

Tipo de Empresa: Recycling, Recuperation and soil restoration

Finalista 2021

A.T.E Evolution

Category: Waste Subcategory: Solid Waste Management

In a nutshell, this project joins several non-biodegradable materials plus cement, sand, and water to create an object or block that would save energy, clean the environment, and reduce construction costs when used in housing construction.

Postulant:Walter Hugo Pinasco

Sector Operativo: Local urban

Tipo de Empresa: Construction Materials, Education

Postulant:Walter Hugo Pinasco

Sector Operativo: Local urban

Tipo de Empresa: Construction Materials, Education

Finalista 2021

Banana Pack

Category: Waste Subcategory: Solid Waste Management

After necessary treatment, we transform the discarded leaves into a high-demand product in the food industry. The nature of Banana Pack is 100% organic; therefore, it fulfills its natural cycle by degrading after use, composting into the ground. Thanks to the innovation proposed by Banana Pack, many media sources such as TFo Canada, Pak-Pedia, Mexican Press, Los Tiempos Bolivia communicated the news of our undertaking.

Postulant:Alicia Valda Ampuero David Viraca Caracara

Sector Operativo: National

Tipo de Empresa: Reciclyn

Postulant:Alicia Valda Ampuero David Viraca Caracara

Sector Operativo: National

Tipo de Empresa: Reciclyn

Finalista 2021


Category: Waste Subcategory: Solid Waste Management

BIOfabrik wants to change the way sustainable materials are used. We have developed technology that exploits waste such as wood chips (usually burned or thrown away) and joins them with eatable mushroom mycelium, developed in our lab, to produce new sustainable products that can substitute single-use plastics. In 2020 we retrieved more than 5 tons of waste to generate biodegradable corner pieces that an Ecuadorian furniture store is testing.

Postulant:César Edmundo Silva Brito

Sector Operativo: International

Tipo de Empresa: Agroecology

Postulant:César Edmundo Silva Brito

Sector Operativo: International

Tipo de Empresa: Agroecology